A results-oriented coachsultant, helping you further your own badassery.

What IS coachsulting?

Coachsulting is a blend of coaching (where I ask you questions so that you can unlock your own answers) and consulting (where I provide you information/advice, as an expert or knowledgeable person in a particular area, on what to do). I spend some of the time actually coaching you on what stops you from taking action, and some of the time pointing out the missed connections and opportunities that can help you move forward.

What kinds of things are good for coachsulting?

Maybe you want to start your own law firm or business. (p.s I run a law firm so I know those very well!)

Maybe you want to make more money or work less, or god forbid, BOTH!

Maybe you have some marketing ideas, or too many ideas and aren’t sure where to start.

Maybe you just need someone to listen, reflect back what you are saying so you can hear yourself and then boost you into your next step!

Will you give me advice?

Yes, but not the whole time. Honestly, coaching is incredibly powerful and oftentimes the ideas that YOU have are far more powerful than the ones in my head. AND, sometimes it is hard for you to see them. But I can usually see what you can’t and help YOU connect the dots.

I am a connector. Not just of people, but of ideas. I see what you can’t because I am not you and I am not in your brain (luckily! 😜). I have this superpower where I can see all of the possibilities because I believe that you can do exactly what you want. I just help you see it.

Coachsulting Hourly Options:

I offer 1 on 1 sessions in the following formats:

45 min session - $500

1 hour 30 min session - $750

That’s it. No long term contract, no weekly meetings. Just one meeting (or 3 if you need a bit of a boost) and then call me if you want another brainstorm/connection session.

Coachsulting Monthly Options:

I also offer two monthly package options:

Weekly - 45 min sessions - 4 per month $2,000 per month (minimum three months)

Monthly - 1 hour 15 min sessions - once a month $500 (only offered after three month initial package)

Let’s slay your next project!

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