About Ali

Coach Ali

Coach Ali

Get to know me! 

Welcome. I am a practicing estate planning attorney, mom of two kiddos, and a certified executive coach.

I grew up in Placer County, graduated from Sacramento State with my bachelor’s degree and from the University of California, Davis with my Juris Doctor. I am certified as a coach from Cami McLaren's Coach Training Program.

But here is what you really want to know. I have a passionate, expressive, direct personality. I believe that people are fucking amazing if they would just get out of their own way (myself included). I have benefited from coaching since the first years of my law practice and loved it so much I became a coach. Not to quit the practice of law, but to change it.

I’ve seen so many of my colleagues spend so much time doing what they think they should do, or second-guessing themselves. I’ve also seen the power of the support of a truly badass community of other women to help push, guide, and throw them off the cliff (you get the metaphor hopefully).

As a performance coach, I curate and host retreats (in-person and virtual) for women leaders, and coach one-on-one clients who are attorneys or business owners.

As a coachsultant, I host one-on-one VIP day sessions and virtual strategy sessions to help people connect the dots in their businesses and take the next step they need to have what THEY want.

My purpose in life is to be helpful to others, honest, inspiring, fearless, and FUN!


I would like to compliment Ali for helping me through our numerous coaching sessions. Whether personal or professional she has a way of asking the right questions to get to what might help you move forward in life.  I knew what I needed to work on but sometimes knowing isn’t enough.  This started to cause congestion that was spilling into other unrelated areas. Ali very effectively helped me get to the root of the congestion with accountability but without judgment. A task not easily done.  Thank you for that and I would recommend her for anyone’s coaching needs. - JL

Ali is a truly powerful coach. Her style is one of complete acceptance and curiosity and she leads by example. Her super power is hearing the self limiting words and beliefs that I speak and reflecting them back to me in a neutral and curious way. This is a powerful way for me to see how I limit myself with my internal voice and judgement. With her guidance I got to look at this and choose a different storyline for myself based on intention and choice. This seems like a subtle shift, but it is subtle like the foundation of a house. Not always visible to the outside, but essential to healthy structure and function. - Suzette Aldwinckle

I have always considered myself a driven and ambitious person. However, I found that there were creative, professional, and personal areas of my life that were stagnating, and had been for almost ten years. I had such big dreams and aspirations and I couldn't understand why others with similar ambitions were achieving them when I was not. I sought help from Ali and her coaching was a complete game-changer. Ali asks the right questions. She doesn't lead you to answers she thinks are right for you, instead, she gently nudges you to look inside yourself and identify what you are doing, or avoiding, that is keeping you from achieving your goals. I originally told Ali I wanted to start my own business but didn't know where or how to begin. She did not explain to me how to start my business. Instead, she helped me narrow my focus and lead me to discover my own path to success. I now own my own business! Ali also keeps you accountable for the tasks you set for yourself. Life constantly demands our attention and it is easy to put off for tomorrow the things you want to accomplish today. Knowing that someone else was rooting for me and interested in my progress was enough of a push for me to get organized and complete the tasks I set out for myself instead of putting them off for later. I am extremely grateful for the coaching Ali has given me. Since my coaching program, I have experienced a huge boost in my creativity, my professional life has begun moving forward again, I am physically healthier, and my personal relationships have improved. If you think you need that extra nudge towards success, whatever that may look like for you, Ali has my highest recommendation. She is amazing and she will show you that you are too. - TD